Posted on: Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Gadingmangu school buildings

Junior and Senior High School BUDI UTOMO
Gadingmangu is a village with the largest population in the district of Jombang and very well-known as a place of education as in the early posttitled a brief history of GadingManguGadingmangu is a village full of educational activities, the traffic is very crowded in this village and one of the dense the traffic in this village is education. This village has built fairly complete with educational places. In 1983 in this village there is only one place for elementary schools, the school name was IMPRES and in 1983 this village also started a school for junior high. At that time, junior high school building have not been as seen in the picture above. in the next year Gadingmangu add a place of education, so not only junior high school students are able to enter the school which was named BUDI UTOMO, but also senior high students could be absorb at this school. At that time, the school building had looked like in the photo above. The building above is a school where students BUDI UTOMO junior and senior high. In recent years Gadingmangu always accept students that exceed the quota limit and the circumstances forced the management educators from Gadingmangu to multiply and expand the area's schools. In 1997, in BUDI UTOMO there are only 18 class they are: 6 classes for the grade 1, 6 classes for the grade 2, and 6 classes for the grade 3 so bringing the total is 18 class that took place at noon. In the morning the class is used for high school students and at the time in Gadingamngu not received vocational students. In 1999 Gadingmangu founded a school for vocational students, this is an effort to accommodate students who want to study in Gadingmangu based on their expertise. and in 2000 the students who come to study in Gadingmangu growing number until finally Gadingmangu successfully increased the number of classrooms buildings for  junior, senior high school, and vocational school.

Above is a new building that is used for junior high school students and high school students alternately (in the morning for senor high students in the evening for junior high students). In this year's classes for junior high school students accounted for 25 classes with detailed, Grade 1 totaled 9 (A-I), grade 2 are 8 classes (A-H), grade 3 are 8 classes (A-H). On average, each classroom totaled 45 students. And many of the high school classroom that we have not been had time to detail the number of classes and students. Gadingmang also made some additional buildings in other locations, that distance was not far away from the main building.

This building, made for additional classrooms for high school students an increasingly in number every year. The location of the building is not far from the building above, it's located next to the boarding school gama 2 and the design of this building is a combination of kindergarten and high school. It was recently built around in late 2011 and immediately in the upstairs occupied by only high school male students and the downstairs used for kindergarten children, the rest of the class in downstairs for high school female students.

Kindergarten gadingmangu in established after junior high school building and senior high schools the main has been established, but when the exact establishment as a writer I do not know.It was formerly known as "TK Happy" and I also graduated from TK Happy, at that time it is located next to "Luhur Nurhasan Mosque" but before 2000 the name of Kindergarten was changed to "TK BUDI UTOMO" and a few years later, it was in the moved to another place till now located nearby Gama 2 boarding school.

kindergarten BUDI UTOMO join with senior high classroom.

The last school was founded in gadingmangu Vocational school UTOMO BUDI. Vocational school BUDI UTOMO established in 1999, the first buildings in use for this school is building in east Luhur Nurhasan Mosque and it only had 2 vocational or majors both are Audio Video (AV) and automotive (MO). Along with the development of this school, and then more and more students who want to study in Gadingmangu then now this vocational school of BUDI UTOMO has evolved from all points like buildings, facilities and now the major of it become more then before, previously only 2 majors but now becomes 4 they are: Audio Video engineering, fashion, engineering or automotive, and multimedia.

Budi utomo vocational school in gadingmangu

This is the newest building for Budi utomo Vocational school. It was built in 2011, located in Melaten kota complex this place is opposite with futsal field (futsal field is located in the northern road and locted to the south of road. In Gadingmangu, there are still many placeses of education. that have not we show and we explained the situation. we expect to be able to provide updated information and we will always try to provide news of interest to the readers of this blog.

Posted on: Sunday, October 21, 2012

MTI annual activity: Goes to Bali

MTI in gadingmangu has several grade levels. And the highest grade is the Bali class. Bali class is the highest class in the MTI and not all students can be placed in this class, only the selected students can join in this class.

In everydayday, each member of this class should use English in speaking or anything else, that will create English areas that could make students faster in mastering English. finally the students who have entered in this class will be invited to go to bali for their ability in speak and practice English conversation with a native speaker who happened to be on vacation to the Bali island. This class is made 3 months before departing to bali. In the choice or selection of students who can attend this class one of the requirements is that they must memorize vocabulary at least 1500. And the first month, their lesson to make sentences from vocabulary they have memorized so that it can be understood by the other person and properly according to English grammar. This activity continues to be held every after sundown for a month. Then the next month they will be in focus for practicing speaking and talking. That is a preparation for their visit to Bali will be done 2 months later. Usually English their activities in mastering conversation is in many ways such as debates, presentations, tell a story, and others.

After 3 months have passed and they have learned a lot about the conversation in English so they are ready to go to bali. Even though their visit to Bali was to meet the tourists who speak English, but they do not forget to prepare equipment includes planning the places they will visit because it could also be entertainment for the Gadingmangu students. their departure from the Jombang use buses then to enter the island of Bali they will pass through the sea using the ship and after that they came to the island of Bali. Activities that should be done by each student is carrying a notebook that is used to write the names of tourists that has been invited to talk by the students. This is as monitors that students have talked to the tourist. The things that needs to be noted is the name of interlocutors, address, their impression about (what makes them interested in Indonesia), and the last is the wisdom or facebook address and their signature.

The students and administrators travel stay in bali for 3 days. For 3 days the student was required to talk to the tourists at least 15 people. In addition, the students recommended to keep a relationship of friendship with tourists via emai, facebook, twitter, etc. although it has been separate. Activities "MTI goes to bali" is done once a year. So that not a few of the alumni BUDI UTOMO Gadingmangu was abroad, some of them worked and some of them are students.
These are some photos snippets MTI activities in bali :

These are the students who are ready to go to Bali. they usually use more than one bus to get there. students consisted of boys and girls. They always accompanied by their administrator or teacher while on a trip.
and after arriving in Bali and then they housed in a lodging which they usually visit.

 this is the lodge they stay  while in Bali. and this is the place to stay the students of MTI Gadingmangu each year when they go to Bali to practice their English. and here are some pictures of the students who have met the toutrist and talk to them in English. most of them were started with introductions and before they parted ways invite the tourist for a photo together.

Posted on: Friday, October 19, 2012

MTI profile and staff

MTI profile

Has changed the name around 2008, but the goal of MTI is the same that is extra activities for students who want to master English in Gadingmangu. MTI was established since 1996, before 2008 "MTI" stands for the word "Muballigh Tugasan International" it's taken from Indonesian, in 2008 MTI has changed from "Muballigh Tugasan International" to "Media of Teaching Islam" but no different in goal that's just a name. Year after year MTI comes bigger till now.

 2. MTI teaching staff
some of the teacher is from junior high school, and the others are from vocational school and senior high school.
The following teachers are from Budi Utomo teachers staff
• Beno Prabowo Aji S.S.
• H. Maksum
• Abdul Aziz Kusaini S. Pd.
• Sutopo S. Pd.
• supriyatno S. Pd.
• Duduh Sunandar S. Pd.
• Sudrajat S. Pd.
• Evi Sulistyowati S. Pd.
• Wizard Sesulih S. Pd.
3. MTI teaching assistant
They are from students who are able to speak English and has long been at MTI most of them have entered the class of Bali.
4. MTI class division
MTI is divided into several classes start from lowest class “Pre-Elementary” to the Bali. The following are the all class in MTI start from the lowest to the highest
recently MTI has create new class was called “Caberawit” to accommodate child student.

4. Daily Activities
• attend classes every day after maghrib except Thursday and Saturday.
• For students who will enter the Bali class they attend TOEFL test every day except Thursday and Saturday.
• Create and memorize sentences in English by using specific vocabulary that has been given by teaching assistant
• active in speaking English both in the room or outside the room of MTI
MTI has some additional programs that may not be mentioned here. Some additional programs aimed to improve their quality and skills in English. Among additional program the most famous is "MTI goes to Bali" This is an additional program that is very useful to measure the ability of students to speak English because they will meet real native speaker and practice their speaking. All about “MTI goes to Bali will publish in the next post.

5. Achievement of MTI

• First Winner Speech Contest throughout province of East Java in 2003, represented by Johannes Panji Christo.

• TOEIC best ratings throughout the district and Nganjuk Jombang in 2007, represented by Ferian Fauzi.

• TOEIC second rank in East Java in 2007, represented by Ferian Fauzi.

Actually there are many more achievements of BUDI UTOMO students but as the author I just write some appreciations of my friend that graduated in 2007. He was a student  from Jogja and graduate from BUDI UTOMO vocational school in 2008 and used to be close friend of mine.