Posted on: Sunday, October 21, 2012

MTI annual activity: Goes to Bali

MTI in gadingmangu has several grade levels. And the highest grade is the Bali class. Bali class is the highest class in the MTI and not all students can be placed in this class, only the selected students can join in this class.

In everydayday, each member of this class should use English in speaking or anything else, that will create English areas that could make students faster in mastering English. finally the students who have entered in this class will be invited to go to bali for their ability in speak and practice English conversation with a native speaker who happened to be on vacation to the Bali island. This class is made 3 months before departing to bali. In the choice or selection of students who can attend this class one of the requirements is that they must memorize vocabulary at least 1500. And the first month, their lesson to make sentences from vocabulary they have memorized so that it can be understood by the other person and properly according to English grammar. This activity continues to be held every after sundown for a month. Then the next month they will be in focus for practicing speaking and talking. That is a preparation for their visit to Bali will be done 2 months later. Usually English their activities in mastering conversation is in many ways such as debates, presentations, tell a story, and others.

After 3 months have passed and they have learned a lot about the conversation in English so they are ready to go to bali. Even though their visit to Bali was to meet the tourists who speak English, but they do not forget to prepare equipment includes planning the places they will visit because it could also be entertainment for the Gadingmangu students. their departure from the Jombang use buses then to enter the island of Bali they will pass through the sea using the ship and after that they came to the island of Bali. Activities that should be done by each student is carrying a notebook that is used to write the names of tourists that has been invited to talk by the students. This is as monitors that students have talked to the tourist. The things that needs to be noted is the name of interlocutors, address, their impression about (what makes them interested in Indonesia), and the last is the wisdom or facebook address and their signature.

The students and administrators travel stay in bali for 3 days. For 3 days the student was required to talk to the tourists at least 15 people. In addition, the students recommended to keep a relationship of friendship with tourists via emai, facebook, twitter, etc. although it has been separate. Activities "MTI goes to bali" is done once a year. So that not a few of the alumni BUDI UTOMO Gadingmangu was abroad, some of them worked and some of them are students.
These are some photos snippets MTI activities in bali :

These are the students who are ready to go to Bali. they usually use more than one bus to get there. students consisted of boys and girls. They always accompanied by their administrator or teacher while on a trip.
and after arriving in Bali and then they housed in a lodging which they usually visit.

 this is the lodge they stay  while in Bali. and this is the place to stay the students of MTI Gadingmangu each year when they go to Bali to practice their English. and here are some pictures of the students who have met the toutrist and talk to them in English. most of them were started with introductions and before they parted ways invite the tourist for a photo together.


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